Emerald Gives 2025

Building A Better World

Pro-Bono Sustainable Consulting for Nonprofits

EmeraLD Gives 2025

Become a Steward of Sustainability

Emerald GivesAttention Nonprofits! Struggling with limited resources to achieve sustainability goals? We understand and are here to help! Emerald is thrilled to announce a one-of-a-kind initiative, pro-bono consulting services valued at $30,000. The result: LEED Operations and Maintenance (O+M) certification strategy and implementation support for one lucky U.S.-based nonprofit and its primary building!


By partnering with Emerald Built Environments, A Crete United Company, you can transform your organization into a shining beacon of environmental responsibility while simultaneously cutting down operational costs and enhancing your reputation as a steward of sustainability.


Don't miss this chance to gain the coveted LEED O+M certification and make a lasting positive impact on our planet. Together we can drive sustainable change and create a brighter, greener future. The application deadline is May 1, 2025


*View Eligibility Requirements

What Is Emerald Gives?


Through Emerald Gives, we live our core values by engaging with the community and its non-profit organizations in achieving sustainable results. One component of Emerald Gives is complimentary certification services -- the Emerald team selects an organization to support in seeking a sustainable building certification annually.  


What Does a Nonprofit Receive If They Are Selected?


Pursuing certification under LEED for Operations and Maintenance can result in financial benefits for the organization, such as increased donor interest and resource consumption savings. 


The 2025 recipient of this initiative will receive pro-bono consulting services for the pursuit of LEED certification under the LEED Operations and Maintenance for Existing Buildings rating system. This certification focuses on concepts such as: 


  • Indoor air quality 
  • Sustainable purchasing 
  • Green cleaning 
  • Human experience 
  • Ongoing recycling and waste management 
  • Energy and water efficiency 
  • Sustainable building and grounds maintenance 

LEED O+M is a performance-based certification that awards points when reported data and documentation comply with requirements. Certification documentation includes occupant surveys, building and site design elements, written policies, and annual performance data for utilities, waste, and transportation, among others. 


Don't fret! Emerald will be aiding you in preparing certification documentation and will give you tools to track performance.   


What Will It Cost Us?

The organization must be willing to pay related LEED registration and certification fees -- which are $1,350 for registration and a minimum of $2,150 for certification fees (for buildings below 50,000sf and ~$.042 /SF for larger buildings). These fees will be paid directly to the Green Building Certification Institute.


Depending on building-specific information, current facility assessments, air balancing, and related documentation, the building may need to engage additional vendors for an energy audit, outdoor air measurements, or HVAC improvements.


What Are the Eligibility Requirements?


  • The selected organization must be a U.S.-based 501 (c)(3) organization. 
  • The organization must own and be the sole occupant of the building it seeks to certify.
  • The building it seeks to certify must have been in service for at least 12 consecutive months.
  • The building must be open to visitors/clients/students regularly. 
  • The organization must be willing to pay related LEED registration and certification fees -- $1,350 for registration and a minimum of $2,150 for certification fees (up to 50,000sf and ~$.042 /SF). These will be paid directly to the Green Building Council. 
  • The organization must be able to complete the work required for certification within nine (9) months of agreeing to proceed with certification.


How Do I Apply?

Click the button to apply to fill out the application. Remember: The deadline to submit is May 1, 2025!



2022 Emerald Gives Recipient

Hathaway Brown


Learn about the experience Hathaway Brown School had as the 2022 recipient of Emerald Gives, including:
  • What led them to apply
  • What changes they are making now that they are operating more sustainably
  • How Emerald helped the process
And find out if they'd recommend this to other nonprofits!

Let's Make Our Future Brighter, Together

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