We Are Your Team

Emerald Gap Analysis

We can help your building project achieve LEED Certification.

Is your new construction or major renovation project considering  LEED certification?

Clients, vendors, partners and board members are increasingly interested in understanding the environmental impact of your business. With increasing stakeholder demands for transparency around climate impact, it's important for any business operating in the global economy to measure and report on their environmental performance. Obtaining LEED certification is one way to demonstrate your commitment to sustainability and provide concrete data on your environmental performance. This applies to new buildings, renovations and additions, or commercial interiors of all buildings types.


Many don't know where to start on this journey and that's where we come in. We can help give you the guidance to achieve your goals with the Emerald Gap Analysis


The Emerald Gap Analysis includes:

  • A preliminary identification of how corporate and project sustainability goals align with the appropriate LEED rating system

  • Establishing those goals in your Owners Project Requirements (OPR) and Basis of Design (BOD)  

  • Identification of opportunities for sustainable practices you may want to incorporate in design

  • A clear roadmap of activities you need to execute to be ready to certify

  • A Scorecard to guide your preliminary LEED strategy (sample below)

  • A written narrative from our experts

  • Proprietary LEED Credit Prioritization & Cost Matrix Tool (sample below) to help you understand costs by level of LEED (ex. Certified, Silver, Gold)


What Does LEED Certification Do For My Project?

  • Your building receives 3rd party certification following a rigorous standard 
  • The project's design includes high-performance building concepts and your construction processes follow sustainable principles, which is great for improved performance of employees and students
  • You understand the potential climate impact of your project
  • Your team is clear on what added costs may be required to implement sustainable practices
  • Your investment helps future-proof your asset 

Let's Get Started